TD 266: Potent Quotables (Final standings finally complete!)

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TD 266: Potent Quotables (Final standings finally complete!)

Post by ouachiouat »

All right, jboardies, I’m ready for my close-up. I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse…it’s time for Potent Quotables, my first-ever TD! Are you going to have class, be a contender? Or are you just going to be a bum? Either way, here's looking at you, kid...may the force be with you.

I don’t want to have a failure to communicate, so here are The Rules:
• Give correct answers that match as few of the other players as possible. The goal is to have the fewest amount of points.
• Correct answers score points equal to the number of players who gave that answer.
• Incorrect answers score the CLICHÉ (most popular answer for that question) plus 5 points.
• You may CUT one question, which will score a 0. Mark it CUT.
• You may also become a CLICHÉ, which gives you the same number of points as the highest-guessed answer or the CLICHÉ option, whichever is greater.
• Blank answers will be considered incorrect as will second CUTs.
• Frankly, my dears, I don’t give a d**n if you have a *minor* spelling or title discrepancy (e.g. forgetting or adding the word ‘the.’ I’ll be somewhat flexible.
• Tiebreaker is based on order of entry.
• I don’t personally love the smell of napalm in the morning, but if you cheat or otherwise use external help (e.g. Google, Wikipedia), I’m blowing up your answers.

Go ahead, make my day (week?) and PM me your answers by 8:00 AM Eastern Time on Sunday, October 25. Since I've a feeling I'm not in (the US) anymore, that’s 8:00 PM China time, around when I plan to start the reveal.
Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.

1. Famous Last Words --Name the person who said these famous last words. Please tell me the corresponding letter.

A. Ask Bailey what the box office was at the Garden last night. (1891)
B. Hold the cross high so I may see it through the flames! (1431)
C. Don’t let it end like this. Tell them I said something. (1923)
D. I am still alive! (41 AD)
E. Thomas Jefferson still lives! (1826)
F. Either that wallpaper goes, or I do. (1900)
G. Friends applaud, the comedy is over. (1827)
H. I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have. (1519)
I. I must go in, the fog is rising. (1886)
J. Do not disturb my circles. (212 BC)
K. I knew it. I knew it. Born in a hotel room and…died in a hotel room. (1953)
L. Hey, fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow’s paper! ‘French Fries!’ (1966)

2. Tell me the person who said the following famous quote. Please tell me the corresponding letter.

A. Oh, the humanity! (spoken in 1937, just to avoid any confusion)
B. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita…‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’
C. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
D. Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.
E. Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.
F. I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
G. And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
H. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
I. I haven’t failed, I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work.
J. I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.

3. You talkin’ to me? For this set, please tell me the name of the person who is being spoken to or about. The person who says the quote is listed in parentheses after the quote. Please give the corresponding letter.
A. I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly. (Winston Churchill)
B. What makes him think a middle-aged actor, who’s played with a chimp, could have a future in politics? (Ronald Reagan)
C1. “Oh yeah? Well, the jerk store called, and they’re running outta you!” (Person in C2)
C2. “What’s the difference? You’re their all-time best seller!” (Person in C1)
D. Nothing more than a well-meaning baboon. (General George McClellan)
E. He acts just like a monkey with a red bum, irrationally eating everything. (North Korea Central News Agency)
F. I hope you picked it up off the floor of the subway and threw it in the nearest garbage pail. She makes Mickey Spillane look like Dostoevsky. (Flannery O’Connor)
G. I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend…if you have one. (George Bernard Shaw)
H. The fool will overturn the whole art of astronomy. (Martin Luther)
I. He turned out to be so many different characters he could have populated all of War and Peace and still had a few people left over. (Herbert Mitgang)


4. Name the book from its first line.Please give me the corresponding letter.
A. It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer the electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn’t know what I was doing in New York.
B. On the 24th of February, 1815, the lookout of the Notre-Dame de la Garde signaled the three-master, the Pharaon, from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples.
C. In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines.
D. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
E. Mother died today.
F. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
G. It was a pleasure to burn.
H. You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino’s new novel, If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler.
I. I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now there’s gum in my hair and when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skateboard and by mistake I dropped my sweater in the sink while the water was running…
J. On an exceptionally hot evening in early July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in S. Place and walked slowly, as though in hesitation, towards K. Bridge.

5. Name the book or poem which contains the famous quote. Please give me the corresponding letter.

A. For her, life was as cold as an attic with a window looking to the north, and ennui, like a spider, was silently spinning its shadowy web in every cranny of her heart.
B. spring summer autumn winter / he sang his didn’t he danced his did.
C. You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug.
D. Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones.
E. He had discovered a great law of human action…namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.
F. The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
G. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything.
H. Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars, and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.
I. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.
J. Almost in the center of this sky, above the Prichistensky boulevard, surrounded and convoyed on every side by stars but distinguished from them all by its nearness to the earth, its white light and its long uplifted tail, shone the huge, brilliant comet of the year 1812—the comet which was said to portend all manner of horrors and the end of the world.

6. Name the book from its last line. Please give me the corresponding letter.
A. He drew in a breath, stopped in the midst of a sigh, stretched out, and died.
B. And it was like a confirmation of their new dreams and excellent intentions that at the end of their journey their daughter sprang to her feet first and stretched her young body.
C. One little bird said to Billy Pilgrim, ‘Poo-tee-tweet?’
D. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
E. “…Come boy, sit down. Sit down and rest.” And the boy did. And the tree was happy.
F. Erik is dead.
G. When Rosa and Joe picked it up they saw that Sammy had taken a pen and, bearing down, crossed out the name of the never-more-than-theoretical family that was printed above the address, and in its place written, sealed in a neat black rectangle, knotted by the stout cord of an ampersand, the words [portion of the title]
H. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
I. Chicago will be ours!
J. And for all I know he is sitting there still, under his favorite cork tree, smelling the flowers just quietly. He is very happy.

At the Movies

7. Tell me the (comedy) movie where the quote comes from. Please tell me the corresponding letter.
A. I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
B. Brothers don’t shake hands. Brothers gotta hug!
C. David: “You don’t understand! This is my car!”
Susan: “You mean this is your car? Your golf ball? Your car? Is there anything in the world that doesn’t belong to you?”
David: “Yes, thank heavens, YOU!”
D. Jerry: “But you don’t understand, Osgood! Ohhh…I’m a man!”
Osgood: “Well, nobody’s perfect!”
E. Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac... It's in the hole! It's in the hole! It's in the hole!
F. “Would you mind telling me whose brain I did put in?...I will not be angry.”... “Abby someone…Abby…Normal”
G. Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room!
H. I am serious…and don’t call me Shirley.
I. I probably should have told you this before, but you see…well…insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops!
J. He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny!

8. Tell me the (drama) movie where the following quote comes from.

A. I’m walkin’ here!
B. I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4,000 Cubans who are trained to kill me. So don’t think for one second you can come down here, flash a badge and make me nervous.
C. They’re probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of person I am. I’m not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching…they’ll see. They’ll see and they’ll know, and they’ll say, “Why, she wouldn’t even harm a fly…”
D. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
E. I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel his pleasure.
F. I taught some of the stupidest children God ever put on the face of this earth and all of them could read well enough to find a name on a tombstone.
G. K-Mart sucks.
H. I see that I’m a little piece of a big, big universe. And that makes things right. When I die, the scientists of the future, they’re gonna find it all. They gonna know, once there was a Hushpuppy, and she live with her daddy in the Bathtub.
I. It’s Hebrew, it’s from the Talmud. It says, “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”
J. Fugui: What did you name our son?
Jiazhen: “Don’t gamble.”

9. Name one of the people (4 actresses, 10 actors) who appear 4 or more times on the AFI “100 Years, 100 Quotes” nomination list—in other words, which 14 people have spoken 4 or more lines that were nominated for the AFI list? Alternatively, name one of the 2 movies that appears on the nomination list 6 times or more. Note this is not the actual movie list. When compiling the list, AFI had a ballot of 400 possible quotes for AFI members to vote on. They then winnowed it down to the final 100, referenced below.

10. There's a reason I have tons of quotes forced into the beginning of the TD. Here's why: Name 1 of the movies found in the top 12 of the American Film Institute’s “100 Years, 100 Quotes.” To provide hints, thanks to the vast store of potential answers, I make an allusion to each of these quotes somewhere in this TD. If I make an allusion to another one that I deem too neg-baity, I’ll PM you and give you the opportunity to change your answer.
Last edited by ouachiouat on Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:41 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables

Post by ouachiouat »


For question 3, C1 and C2 are separate questions. I only labeled them like I did to make it more apparent that they were related clues. Sorry that clarification wasn't made earlier. If that changes either of the responses I've gotten so far, feel free to PM me and I'll change them.

Also, I just looked and realized that at least on my computer, it looks like there is a possible question 4K. 4J actually contains the words "K. Bridge," which unfortunately broke right before the K (at least on my screen's layout). K. Bridge is part of 4J, it is not a separate question.


For 1H, I accidentally left off the last digit of the year. It should have said (1519), not (151.
Last edited by ouachiouat on Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables

Post by ouachiouat »

List of Participants: 33
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

Also, just so you know, if there are any corrections that need to be made or questions you want to ask, you can post here or PM me--but it might take me awhile to get to them, as I live on the other side of the world than most of you and am either sleeping or working at the time when most people are on here. Thanks!
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by MitchO »

For 3C, do you have to answer parts 1 and 2?
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by dinghammer »

I believe the year in 1H got truncated.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

MitchO wrote:For 3C, do you have to answer parts 1 and 2?
You do not. I meant to clarify that, and forgot to in my rush to post this before I left this morning. Thanks for asking! For 3C, only answer C1 orC2.
dinghammer wrote:I believe the year in 1H got truncated.
Fixed. Thanks.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by Armandillo »

Forgive my ignorance. 1) How does a longtime lurker, like myself, get their account "upgraded" so that I can private message people?

2) Are these TDs open to everyone?
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

There must be a better way to come to the top of the maybe I can stop bumping a moment and think of it.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by gamawire »

Armandillo wrote:Forgive my ignorance. 1) How does a longtime lurker, like myself, get their account "upgraded" so that I can private message people?

2) Are these TDs open to everyone?
1) You have to have made three posts, so you're almost there.

2) Yes.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

Armandillo wrote:Forgive my ignorance. 1) How does a longtime lurker, like myself, get their account "upgraded" so that I can private message people?

2) Are these TDs open to everyone?
One more post and you're there...and these are absolutely open to everyone! Especially those who mail me things that I can't get from the States now that I'm living overseas again. Who knows, after the package is received, I may give bonus points on my next TD for each package received! :lol:

Also, a public thanks. MitchO has done a fantastic service for me and this TD. Honestly, for question 9, I was just going off of the AFI website list and didn't check my source (a big no-no when hosting a TD). Turns out their numbers are off, as are the numbers I posted in the question. 15 men and 6 women are on the list, bringing the total up to 21 actors & actresses. Still only 2 movies qualify. Needless to say, with only 18 people submitting so far, singletons abound on question 9!
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

22 people have class and are contenders. Hundreds of you are being bums. 2 1/2 days left to enter.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

23 hours left to enter! Plenty of singletons & doubletons available! Come and get 'em!
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

Reveal begins in about an hour and a half. Anyone else want in?

Magna, check your PMs!
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Question 1 has been revealed!)

Post by ouachiouat »

Why not get things started off with a little bang? An absolutely massive sheep, which nearly half of you had; there were also 4 wrong answers, which really stings.

Anyway, here goes:

E. John Adams — 14 responses
In case you're wondering--Thomas Jefferson's last words were NOT "I beat Adams!" They were, in fact "Is it the fourth?"

B. Joan of Arc — 4 responses

F. Oscar Wilde — 3 responses
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K. Eugene O'Neill — 2 responses

A. P.T. BarnumSingleton!

I. Emily DickinsonSingleton!

J. ArchimedesSingleton!
Why did Archimedes say this? He was annoyed by a Roman soldier that was messing around with his circles. He said this to show his displeasure, and the soldier immediately killed him.

CUT — 0

Wrong answers 19 points:
C. Warren G. Harding

E. Benjamin Franklin

H. Galileo

J. Euclid

Unused answers:
C. Francisco Villa
D. Caligula He was stabbed by his own guard; immediately after the stabbing, he cried out 'I am still alive!' And then died.
G. Beethoven
H. Leonardo da Vinci
L. James French He was executed via the electric chair; these were his last words he wished to say to the press. Pretty memorable way to go, eh?
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by Caboom »

If it's not too much trouble, including the quotes with the answers they belong to would make the reveal easier to follow.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Question 1 has been revealed!)

Post by dinghammer »

(I almost wrote, "I'm gonna win this Match Game!" when I sent in my answers.)
ouachiouat wrote:C. Francisco Villa
Oh yeah! That's the only quote other than the 3 most obvious ones (and maybe H) that I'm sure I've heard before. I just couldn't remember who said it.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by MitchO »

PT Barnum! OHHHHHH!! :D That's great.

(For the record, I did know a few of these, but had to pick something for my cut, and thought the ones I knew were too sheepish. Would of have B or F, so I was kinda right.)
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ElendilPickle »

I knew I should have picked Oscar Wilde.
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Re: TD 266: Potent Quotables (Questions now posted!)

Post by ouachiouat »

Caboom wrote:If it's not too much trouble, including the quotes with the answers they belong to would make the reveal easier to follow.

And here are the results for Question 2...

H. Yogi Berra — 7 responses
Bamaman (sorry, edited this in. For some reason it didn't copy your name.)
Original quote: When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

C. Muhammad Ali — 6 responses
Original quote: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

I. Thomas Edison — 5 responses
Blue Lion
Holocene Hero
Original quote: I haven’t failed, I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work.

B. Robert Oppenheimer — 4 responses
Original quote: I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita…‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’

E. Mel Brooks — 4 responses
Original quote: Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.

G. JFK — 3 responses
Original quote: And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

A. Herbert Morrison — 2 responses
Original quote: Oh, the humanity!

D. Groucho Marx —
Original quote: Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.

J. Woody Allen — Singleton!
Original quote: I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.

Unused answers:
F. Mark Twain
Original quote: I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
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